SKU: 7226
The Lolly Manual Breast Milk Pump encourages the extraction of breast milk and the baby’s natural sucking. It was designed for the mother who needs to extract milk in a practical and safe way.
And more:
It is recommended to assist in the preparation of the nipples.
The silicone pad massages the breast and provides comfort to mom.
Extra Pot: the only one on the market with one more pot for milk.
Comes with a pouch so you can carry it anywhere!
* The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Brazilian Ministry of Health recommend breastfeeding for two years or more, being exclusive for the first six months.
Utilidade: extrair o leite materno.
Composição: PP, silicone
7226-01 – Cartucho c/ 1 un. | Caixa c/ 2 cartuchos.
NCM: 8414.20.00