SKU: 7230

The Tip Baby Rattle was specially developed to entertain the baby, providing moments of relaxation. It is washable, completely non-toxic and very resistant. Its sound stimulates the ear and its use stimulates motor coordination.

Utilidade: divertir o bebê.

Composição: PP, PS e COPE

7230-01-M – Blister c/ 1 un. | Caixa c/ 6 blisters.
7230-01-F – Blister c/ 1 un. | Caixa c/ 6 blisters.
7230-00-AZ – Saquinho c/ 1 un. | Caixa c/ 12 saquinhos.
7230-00-RS – Saquinho c/ 1 un. | Caixa c/ 12 saquinhos.

NCM: 9503.00.91

Produto em conformidade
CE-BRI/IQB2659 NM300/2002 – OCP 0006